Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

We've just eaten Thanksgiving dinner with my aunt, cousin, and her husband. Everyone is still a bit woozy from the tryptophan & excess food, so I'm here to squeeze in a quick post.

Some things I've learned recently.

Sweet Potatoes contain 190% DV Vitamin A in a single serving.

An egg contains 71% DV Cholesterol.

You can roast mini marshmallows on a toothpick over a candle.

You shouldn't freeze pumpkin pie. The filling will pull away from the crust.

If you blow out a candle too fast and hard, you might get hot wax stuck in your lashes. This happened to me.


Aaron said...

Candle-roasted marshmallows are the BEST!!! Candles are so much more predictable than campfires....

Brenda Jo said...

Does your mom know you did that?

wideyed said...
