Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Ides of March and Other Odd Things

"On a thyme-scented, bird hatching morning in May... ." *

Today is The Ides of March.

Saturday is St. Patrick's Day. Being Irish, I like this holiday. Wear green e'en if you aren't Irish!

Next Wednesday is the first day of Spring.

Next month, I'll attend a lecture about Emily Dickinson. It will be given by Claudia Emerson (A lovely lady, and a Pulitzer Prize winning poet). I'm looking forward to it.

*From Tess of the D'Urbervilles, by Thomas Hardy. Depressing book. I'd recommend Far from the Madding Crowd.


Claire said...

Hmmm- I read something by Thomas Hardy once...I guess it must have been Return of the Native- which I remember as being quite dark, extreme, intense and boggy.

Happy St. Pat's!

Cara said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Far From the Madding Crowd.

About being Irish, I LOVE IT! I was proud to wear green that day.