Saturday, May 26, 2007

I'm It, apparently.

Claire tagged me.

The rules of the game: List seven random facts about yourself, as well as the rules of the game on your blog. Then tag seven other people and listtheir names on your blog. Leave a comment on their blog so they know they've been tagged and have to read your blog.

1. Our volleyball team won the tournament!!!

2. I want to paint like Van Gogh and write like Robin McKinley.

3. I scream like a girl.

4. I like the smell of the rubber soles of new shoes.

5. All but two of my pea plants died. The beans are very happy.

6. I usually mispronounce 'calculator'.

7. I'll study for my learner's permit this summer.

I tag..., mom, Laura, Melissa, Rachel C., Frances, and Aunt Susan.


Claire said...

Yay! I missed you and hoped that tagging you would bring you back to the blogosphere... My nefarious scheme worked!

I didn't know you were on a volleyball team! Congratulations on winning the tournament!

willowlaughter said...

I love Robin McKinley - I have read every single one of her books :-D

Emily said...

how do you misprounounce (sp?) calculator?