Sunday, February 19, 2006


Two years ago, I was packing my bags in preparation to leave Israel after a 2 &1/2 week stay. Those memories are kept in the 'special moments' filing box of my mind. Every once in a while, I will ever so carefully lift the golden lid, pull out the slightly dusty photographs and conversations, and replay them.
The dark eyes of the Arab woman, the wary, firm line of her frowning mouth. Her shabby clothing, her steady, imperial air of hostile peevishness that cloaked her better than any birka or veil ever would. Her mood was impenetrable, her gaze defiant. We stood, eyeing each other. I, embarrassed to be caught staring, blinked and looked away, but I could still feel her eyes, searching me.
My blouse and sweater under a soft red coat. My hair long and free, blowing in uncontrolled wisps. My bared face, open and shyly curious. My white, shivering hands. I shoved them fisted into my pockets, glad for the warmth.
Later, as we trudged back to the car, I closed my eyes and saw the face of the Arab woman. I saw her pull her head-scarf a bit tighter, the creases above her eyes deepen. Saw her turn, and walk away, and watched her black robe ripple in the breeze.


Shay Dawg said...

hey! I was like, who is this that commented on my blog?? It took the longest time trying to figure it out. Thanks for visiting my site and now i'll have to visit yours more often.

Kayla said...

ahh, those grand memories of Israel. I'm afraid yours are probably more vivid than mine though because it's going on three years since I went there. *Sigh*

Cara said...

Nice description. I enjoyed it.