Saturday, April 08, 2006

quick post and a long poem

Last week we library volunteers got our new shirts, so now we will look official-like when we're on the job.
I made dinner last night for the guys since mom is out and about... first off, I couldn't find the spaghetti sauce, and when I did, the frozen meatballs wouldn't melt, then I found out that I had put in barely enough spaghetti, then the sauce started to heat up and little bubbles would pop and the sauce would spatter... whew--it came out pretty good after all, although the clean up was horrid.
here is a poem I've been working on for a while and just finished. A couple lines near the end I think need changing, but I'll post it anyways

King turned
Broken sword
A great evil
It must be burned
This thing
A token
Things to come
This ring…
Friends go
As one
Some die
Some don’t know
Rushing tide
Dark forest
Things in shadow
Run and hide
Promise to last
One gives
Two hearts
Held fast
Warriors duel
Friends are lost
Fleeing now
Don’t be a fool
Marble arch
Mammoth pillars
Cold stone
Footsteps march
In dull procession
Drums roll
Hearts beat
In restless tension
The ring of fate
The cries
Of those
Who have to wait
The road goes on
Plans made
Swords are drawn
Silent sounds
Echoes of words
No-one can hear
Fear abounds
A king bears
A quiet strength
A maiden’s heart
Bravely tears
Quiet halls
Empty of life
Arrows fly
A hero falls
Doors tumble
Men flee
Babes cry
Walls crumble
Can there be no light
Creatures wild
A shriek
In the night
Unknown fears
Screams so loud
Threads of hope
Bitter tears
A golden band
Fire of red
Forever choice
An outstretched hand
Eagles fly
Saving heroes
Sleep and wake
Laugh and sigh
Crowned head
Strong face
The song is sung
Lovers wed
No compromises
A humble
Ships will sail
Friends hearts fail
Life goes on
The road goes on


Kate said...

cool poem.
and good to see you for a few minutes! Glad you made it up for the youth weekend.
love ya!

Cara said...

lovely, looooooooong poem. I understand it.