Saturday, February 11, 2006

"1 Slaying of Dragons?"

Volunteering at the library can be interesting. We made a Chinese Dragon. I did the head. Head-tail, he is about 12 feet long. Happy Chinese New Year!

Also, I saw the Narnia movie during Christmas vacation--fantastic!!!

In January, I went to a youth weekend in NH, and had a smashing time. Actually, I smashed my face into the glass window pane of a heavy door. And cut my nose. No, I didn't break my nose, yes I broke the glass. I was bleeding and the whole she-bang... went to the emergency room and got some sort of skin glue put on the cut. I'm quite alright, thank you, and it's healing very nicely.

p.s. the skirt


Brenda Jo said...

That's my talented daughter!

Brenda Jo said...

I mean talent with art, not doors.

Lidarose said...

My dear M, what were you thinking of, running into a door?! And "skin glue"? -- what is this world coming to...

Seriously, I'm glad you're okay. One of your cousins used to say, "I wish something exciting woud happen, like somebody breaking a leg or something!" I'm sure your injury must have qualified.

The dragon effort sounds like it was great fun. I didn't know you were volunteering at the library. I definitely applaud (support? approve of??) this activity -- libraries are such wonderful places, and yours is really terrific. One of my most vivd memories around your library is coming out to my car during a visit with you family and finding a tape across my steering wheel with an inscription asking whether I might take you to the library... and so I did! I kept that tape on there until I sold the car, but I don't know what became of it after that.
I liked the Narnia movie, too. So much of it was just as I had imagined it, especially Mr. Tumnus and the children.

Cara said...

Hurrah for narnia and Hurrah for homemade skirts!