Saturday, December 17, 2005

A month?!?

tsk tsk tsk.

Soon after my last post, I finished my skirt (pic will be in next post)

Then it was Caleb's birthday, and he was elated when we had a Star Wars party for him.

He liked his cake.

A few days after the beginning of December, we had our first snowfall. It was only about two or three inches, but to hear the radio people talk, you would have thought that we were about to be snowed in for a year!

And soon we will be going to our grandparents house for Christmas. The ten hour drive is always a bit daunting, but we will bring lots of books-on-tape, a wonderful thing for long rides in the car.

Hopefully I will be posting again before I leave, otherwise it may be a while before you hear from me again.


John L said...

Thank you for fixing the colors (did you fix them?).
Caleb's cake looks interesting. (It tasted good too...)

Cara said...

i want the picture!!!!!!!!!!!1

nice cake, who made it?

Cara said...

i mean i want to see the pic of your skirt.

wideyed said...

mom did

TripleNine said...

That is a cool looking cake. My cousin Jed would have loved it. He is a huge starwars fan.

Kate said...

truly a work of art! (The cake I mean) and it was good to see you for a few moments in Georgia!

TripleNine said...

I heard about your accident at the youth weekend. Hope that you're allright.

Any chance of a new post sometime soon? :)

Cara said...

yeah no kidding. new post soon???